Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wrap up/Reflection

Technology is important, because without it life wouldn't advance and each generation would live the same. Without technology advancing, science wouldn't advance either because they depend on one another to advance, so we wouldn't have the medicine we have today and we wouldn't be able to cure diseases as easily. Technology has changed over the past five years, we now have electronic cars,3D video games without wearing glasses. the technology has been advancing more into entertainment than into green technology. In the next five years I hope we have more green technology to help with humans nasty habits of waste. In five years I am sure we will have 4D televisions and cars that run efficiently on oil made from corn. The type of technology we use for  school work are desktop computers, laptops, calculators, and many more. The type of technology I use are my cellphone, laptop, IPod touch, television, and a whole lot more.
I will use the knowledge from online a, when I am working to in business, marketing, and advertisement. Having a blog would help me advertise for companies that I would work for, to try and get people to notice it and go to that company. The tool that is most practical for life long learning Wiki, because later on in life wiki is still going to be around and just having knowledge about how you can edit and change to get information will come in handy. The tool I will probably never use again is the podcast, it is annoying to have to record over and over again to try and get it exactly right, I dont think I will ever need it again. My favorite tool to create was the Avatar, because you can make it unique to be how you want it. My least favorite to create was the RSS feed, sure it gives you easier access to things you like better, but I didnt look at the RSS feed at all in this class and I dont think I will ever use it. I dont mind looking around for the sites.

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